Hampshire County Council
School Dinners
Primary School Menus - November 2009 to March 2010
The full plate service continues to be standard for all HC3S primary school meals, allowing each child to select a main item from the menu, which automatically comes accompanied by vegetables, carbohydrate and a dessert (fruit is always a dessert option).
Our menus adhere to the nutritional standards that came into effect from September 2008 and each child will have the opportunity to have at least two portions from a selection of vegetables, salad and fruit with their meal. We will also be continuing to offer additional bread as a free extra to our meals and water is available throughout the lunch period.
For more information about our menus, please contact
Evelyn Cook on 023 8062 7730
View the menu options from our website, click here:
Free Meal Eligibility
Free school meals are available only to children whose parents/guardians are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income-Based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Families in receipt of Child Tax Credit will also qualify provided that (a) they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit, and (b) their annual income, as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs does not exceed £16,040 as at 6 April 2009 (subject to annual review).
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
About our food:
At HC3S we are very enthusiastic about feeding children well and spend a lot of time working on the menus and ensuring the balance is right.
We ensure we meet the government's nutritional guidelines, and to help us comply with these guidelines, we use a dietician based at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester and also a nutritional computer package to assist us when planning our menus.
Please use our Website link if you require further information and details.
click here:
E-mail: HC3S.Support@hants.gov.uk
Full menus available to view or download on the website
Telephone: 023 8062 9388
Fax: 023 8061 8810 or 023 8061 0963
E-mail: HC3S.Support@hants.gov.uk
Key Contacts
- Amanda Frost, Head of Catering Services
- Sylvie Babout, Head of Primary Operations & Training
- Linda Kennedy, Head of Secondary and Commercial Operations
- Arthur Cosgrove, Catering Support Manager
- Evelyn Cook, Food Development Officer
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